Friday, May 2, 2008

Surgery Day

The girl's both had their surgery on Wednesday. Cassidy had a little more anxiety as she thought she knew what was going on. They ended up in seperate room's cady-corner from each other. We had to be there an hour early and they where running an hour late so we had a pretty long wait. Brooke's nurse was awesome and she kept them both pretty busy. She told some CRAZY kid jokes that Brooke thought were HIL arious!! The girl's got a stuffed animal and coloring books and crayons. They also both wore a surgeon's mask, hair net and gloves. They looked so cute.
Brooke went back first and she started to cry and her nurse just scooped her up and took her back. Her surgery took about thirty minutes and as soon as she went into the recovery room they took Cassidy back. We could hear a child screaming and I do mean the worst scream I have EVER heard from a child. I finally asked the nurse to please go check if that was my daughter, although we didn't think it was but then I knew she would sound a little different. She came back and assured me Brooke was sound asleep in the recovery room. Then once Brooke got back into her "room", Cassidy was being taken into the recovery room. It was pretty back to back so we didn't have time to really be upset or anything with how busy they had kept us. The nurse came out to ask me to come into the recovery room because Cassidy kept telling them "I'm trying not to cry but I want my mom"! So I went back with her and Shawn set with Brooke while she slept. After awhile Cassidy went back to her room and as she got all settled and back asleep Brooke woke up and she was so "confused" and she just started hollaring I want my grandma, whom I had just called as she woke for a second time, so she said if she wants me I'm coming and she did!! Grandma got down there SPEEDY quick and she held and rocked Brooke for a good long time then Cassidy woke up and so we all gathered in one room and they ate popsicles and pudding and drank gatorade. Finally they both went potty and they started to get us ready to go. After a bit of craziness we did get to go home. My mom went to get the RX's and I thank her so much that she did because they told us it would be fifteen minutes and she was there an hour.
A special thanks to Mom for coming down to the hospital on such a short request!
We would also like to thank EVERYONE who has come by and called asking about the girl's. Thanks to all who have brought gifts, you didn't have to but we do thank you for them!!

1 comment:

Rick & Julie Miller and Family said...

Cute the point...Aren't you glad I took the pic with you? LOL Poor babies...Brooke will never want to have anything removed EVER!