Monday, August 25, 2008


Well a few weeks back I was asked to attend a meeting for Cassidy to be on the gymnastics training team. She would train Tuesday's and at the end of September she would also train on Saturday's! Then come March she would compete in a real meet at Kalahari water park in the conference area!! Exciting right!!!!! Well we only had a week to decide they had given me so much information it was almost to much and I hadn't heard from Mrs. Karen (their tap teacher) on what day the girl's will have tap so we missed the deadline for gymnastics but we did hear from Mrs. Karen and they go on Thursday's this will be Cassidy's 5th year and Brooke's 3rd year in tap so anyways Cassidy can be on the team and still do tap!! She's really excited about learning more of skills rather that just being in a class for fun!! I mean it will still be fun just they will learn more of a routine and what not. She is so excited so check back and I'll keep everyone up to date!!!

1 comment:

Rick & Julie Miller and Family said...

Go get them will earn gold some day at the Olympics and we will be there to see it! Love, Grandma