Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I hope you all have embraced the holiday season in one way or another. Wether it be by shopping for those special people in your life, starting to bake your favorite Christmas foods or by decorating the all to important tree. We started a few days before Thanksgiving allowing the girls to put up there "Disney Princesses" tree. Thanksgiving was at my Aunt Midge's! I made a JELLO mold that everyone was talking about. It was new and yummy!! Then Shawn & I headed out for Black Friday shopping!! I had a blast, he is still complaining (but I think he LOVED it). We got to Toysrus at 3:50 am and waited for an hour and ten minutes in 27 degree weather! Shawn broke his time up by sitting in the car going for hot chocolate and passing a few out to the ladies behind us!! We had so much fun calling to check in with Matt & Amanda and my sister in law Korina. Korina was scared by the "mobs" but Matt, Amanda & I are old pro's! I think everyone has something someone else wanted or need so we will be getting together to swap soon. Yeah were CRAZY like that! It was an awesome day, I loved spending the time with Shawn. I owe a BIG thanks to Matt my hero who found the three pack of Hannah Montana dolls at Target! We did get the tree up, went to a holiday parade, got some outside lights up and really are starting to feel the holiday spirit at our house, I wish the same for all of you and I hope you having as wonderful of start of the season as we are.
*I had to steal the picture of the Jello from online, mine looked just like it* - **PROMISE**


Sarah said...

Nice looking Jello! Bet it took forever.

We did our tree the day after Thanksgiving and the lights outside the day after so we are all set for another boring 80 degree Christmas.

A Blip In My Life said...

Matt's your hero HA! The Jello looked awesome you'll have to teach me someday!

Rick & Julie Miller and Family said...

I can testify it was awesome...and it was beautiful...I think it should become a tradition...Love, Mom