Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bye JUNO!!

Hello!! To those of you who haven't heard or I haven't e-mailed you!! I have had some VERY serious technical issues with Juno. I had scanned and updated my anti-virus and it stormed over two weeks ago and when I shut down the computer, I have recieved error messages since! I cannot connect or check e-mail at all!! How weird is that?! So I call to try and recive help and I get an automated blah blah blah, after several phone calls and getting MAD I finally got a real guy in the cancellation department to talk to me so then after waiting over a week for a new Juno CD and after installing and unistalling Juno several times. Still no luck then I called the almighty technical support! Mind you I have had Juno over six years as an free e-mail and after trying others as my internet access I have always went back to what I was comfortable with. I call and they want to charge my credit card they have on file, which is Shawn's debit so it comes straight out of our checking..are you ready for how much?? $1.99 a minute!! I about fainted are you kidding me!! So after calling several numbers I found in all my computer junk I get back into the cancellation department. They offer a month free of this all "wonderful" technical support. So I call and after a FIFTY EIGHT minute conversation on the cell phone the woman was so frustrated (I could barely understand her - I could tell she was foreign and we had done so much "fixing" and nothing was still working) so anyways I tell her this is making me very upset that I have had not one but two problems in the past thirty days and I start to vent (not cussing or being rude) and can you guess what happened?? She hung up on me!! Dang it Amy!! Now i'm not just mad I'm freaking HOT!! I sat in the same spot not to lose her on my cell the entire time!! UGH!! So I dial right back and it was busy!

SO meanwhile I check on Brooke who is still up and adam!! Not to my suprise she had been in the water and had a mess in the bathroom!! YEAH as a mother I LOVE messes, NOT!! Shawn says it's job security but that's another conversation, check back!! LOL So I decide I better potty and there is no toilet paper!! I think to myself I knew I had gotten out a new roll for Cassidy that morning, I look around thinking maybe it fell or someone put in on the shelf something right! I think to myself....BROOKE! I look in the bathroom trash and to my suprise there it was soaking wet!! That kid I tell you!! So I ask what happened and she swears it wasn't her. I asked did you put it in the sink and after awhile she admits her guilt and so I put the toliet paper back on the roller to dry until morning. I'm not about to let her throw that in the trash it has become an expensive MUST HAVE!!

So back to Juno I go back to the cell phone all call again, I get a guy who is insisting I have a pin number to access the account, I have no such thin and NO ONE else had asked me for this information. After talking to three more people I finally get a woman who is willing to drop my price in half if I'll stay blah blah. I tell her that's fine but I had spent by this time two phone calls and over an hour and a half on the phone and no one can get me online at home with the software! I have a REALLY old CD that I can get online but I cannot access my address book or anything I have saved with Juno. So after a thirty nine minute conversation I ask the woman where is your call center located, ready?! The Philapenes!!! I said no wonder I cannot understand what anymone there is saying!! I have now deleted my account with them and I'm moving on!! I did set up an e-mail account but we haven't found an internet carrier just yet! So please add our new e-mail address!!

1 comment:

Rick & Julie Miller and Family said...

I think you need to move so you will come into the 20th century... DSL is awesome...from any part of the house...Love, Mom