Monday, March 9, 2009

Kalahari Luau 2009

It's been months in the making and finally the big weekend came! The Kalahari Luau Meet 2009! Woo Hoo!!
Cassidy was competing Friday morning at 7:45 am! So we went up Thursday after school, Shawn wasn't home so my Mom went along to help with the kid's in the waterpark. This very nice man named Jim helped us get everything out of the car and into the room and he was so full of information. We jumped into our suits and down to the waterpark we went. We had so much fun! We did go on lot's of slides then headed back to the room to get settled and roll Cassidy's hair for the morning! Mom ordered a chicken brocoli alfredo pizza, YUM!! We ate and were in bed with lights out by 9:45pm! We were up before six and we got around and went down the the meet. There Shawn, Dad, Norma & her friend and neighbor Rita met us! It was so cool to see Cassidy out there stretching and smiling so much. You could tell she was excited and nervous. She did a great job! All the girl's did great! I'm very proud of how much she has learned! After the awards Shawn, Cassidy, Brooke & I took over a three hour nap! It was NEEDED!!! We hit the waterpark before 4 and finally met up with our friends after 8 and we all rode and laughed until after 10 then we split up and we got pizza and it was so good! What a day so we did go back to the waterpark the next day until 2!! What a weekend!!! Thank You to Grandpa & Grandma, Grandma V. and Rita for your support at the meet! Thanks to Betty, Danny, Kelly, Lauren, Zach & Riley for the Friday night entertainment!! It was all so much fun!!

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